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4Rs - Colour Choices
The new Pupil Council selected the warm colour palate and stripey carpets for our Phase 1 classrooms.
Pupil toilets next to the dinner hall will be green and blue for boys toilets; and green and pink for girls toilets.
Glasgow City Council Consultation
We spoke to all classes and explained the possible plans for our school.
Each class voted on the proposals.
We met with a consultant and sent in a response form to the consultation.
We agreed that we would like a bigger catchment area, but that we were worried about losing space to a nursery class.
The City Council are now going to give us a bigger catchment area, but are not giving us a nursery class.
Sparkle for Oxfam
We decided to support Oxfam this year and added some sparkle to the programmes and tickets for our Christmas show. Money raised from programme sales went to Oxfam.
Pupil Toilets
We are really looking forward to new pupil toilets in our refurb.
To help keep our toilets clean and tidy we have:
- Agreed that parents should be told if children make a mess in the toilets
- Written a standard letter to go home if anyone spoils our toilets - this is signed by the Pupil Council
- Made posters to encourage pupils to look after our toilets
- Spoken at assemblies to ask everyone to keep our toilets clean and tidy
We suveyed all pupils in the school to identify our priorities for our internal refurbishment. We highlighted cloakroom spaces, changing rooms for PE and the importance of water fountains. The 4Rs team have promised to look at our proposals.