We are part of the Hillhead Learning Community and work closely with its other partner establishments.
These include:
- Hillhead High School
- Anderston Primary School
- Cowcaddens Day Nursery
- Garnetbank Primary School
- Glasgow Gaelic School
- Hillhead Primary School
- Interrupted Learners Service
- Kelvin Park Early Years
- Oakgrove Primary School
- Renfrew Street Nursery
- Woodside Nursery
Most of our P1 children transfer from Cowcaddens and Woodside nurseries. We have an established transition programme with these nurseries and will work together to get to know your child before they come to school.
The majority of our P7 learners go to Hillhead High School. Transition to Hillhead High School starts in P6 and there is a varied programme of learning activities to ensure a smooth transition for all.
Information about moving on to High School is issued in the late autumn of P7. Alternatively you are free to make a Placing Request to an alternative secondary destination.